Since I’ve had children I’ve tried to be a glass is half full kind of mom. “Of course we’ll get there on time,” I tell my kids. And, “Yes! this day is going to be great!”
When instinctively I’m thinking the opposite. This day will suck and we will be late. Eeyore is lurking inside of me, but I’ve tried really hard to keep him quiet. You have to keep it positive for the kids, right?
So when I was approached by Latina Mom Bloggers about being a Positivity Ambassador for the California Milk Processor’s Board, I thought, Yes! Now I will be positive all the time.
And this guy is going to help me.
He is Simón Felix, El Maestro del Vaso Medio Lleno or Master of the Glass Half Full, and when he’s not filling milk glasses he’s out spreading the message of Positivity around the world.
And I am ready to listen. Because if there’s one thing I’m positive about, it’s food. Organic milk and all other dairy products are a staple in Casa de los Condes. Dairy is my kids’ main source of protein and milk is one of my younger son’s favorite drinks. I get my milk every day in my coffee or latte and in my cereal.
So from now on it’s positive all the way. To learn more about El Maestro visit Facebook or follow his journey on Twitter.
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor’s Board and Latina Mom Bloggers
Very funny! Don't you just wonder where they come up with these ideas?
I love that you too are "a chosen one!" Looking forward to your posts!
Congrats! Love that I'm surrounded my such positive thinking women 🙂
I'm so happy that we are co-ambassadors Yvonne, LOL! 🙂
Congrats on being A Positivity Ambassador! Seems like Blog Hermanas are rocking this campaign!
Rock the positivity!
I'm loving all the positivity ambassadors! We are a lucky circle. 🙂 Congrats on your new outlook!
congrats on the the gig as an ambassador for the leche! will have to check out the FB, page.