Starbucks New Blonde Roast Coffee

Coffee. I love it. I drink a lot of it and I’m very particular about it. This week I went to a
Coffee. I love it. I drink a lot of it and I’m very particular about it. This week I went to a
I found this video on News Taco, The Latino Daily. I love the site and not just because one of my posts
I can remember only one time that we had homemade tamales at Christmas. My mom and a couple of her friends got
Well, it happened. I’m 40. I know that everyone says they can’t believe it when they turn 40, but I really can’t
I went to a screening of Alpha and Omega 3D on Tuesday and I’ll start with the positive: My kids thought it
I know everyone writes this post at this time of year. School is starting and our kids are getting older. But, really!!
I wasn’t sure what to expect from Blogher this year. The parties and the lists seemed overwhelming and they were. In an
I made these muffins for my son’s wonderful kindergarten teacher (who is having a baby!). I made them with butter and milk,
My April Fools post seemed much funnier when I wrote it at 11:45 pm on March 31st. Oh, well. I’ll try harder
Monday my kids and I slept in (7 am, so that’s an extra 15 minutes!), made waffles, and didn’t get out of
This blog appears to have current information about the status of the rescue. If you’d like to follow the situation on