I am from the hot, hot desert of Tucson, Arizona. The cold is not my friend. If it gets below 65 degrees I wear a scarf. Any lower, I’m head to toe in wool.
So camping has been a bit of a challenge for me. The week before Easter, we headed to Santa Barbara to camp at El Capitan State Beach. It’s beautiful there and the spring weather is usually fine; cool in the evening and warm during the day.
This year it was freezing. Plus it was windy. There was no way to get warm. I didn’t have gloves or a hat or a parka. (My kids were fine because they never stopped running around.) I know the older I get the more whiny I am about the elements, but it was arctic cold. It might have been in the 40s.
Which is what leads me to this post today. One of our friends on the camping trip had this camp love seat.
It doesn’t seem like it would keep you warm, but it allows you to sit by the fire with someone, in my case 2 warm little boys or my equally warm husband, with a blanket and be toasty warm. I put the Camp Couch on my list of things I really want to have and I recommended (rec’d) it on Wikets and put it on the my wishlist in the hopes that it would show up on Mother’s Day.
Wikets is having a contest where you can recommend something you like a lot to someone you like a lot. While I really want an REI Camp Couch, I think my adorable husband would like this Byer Traveller Lite Hammock.
It’s $22.95, is 16 oz. and can hold up to 250 pounds. My husband can go to a quiet corner of the campsite, put up the hammock, and relax trying to forget all of the complaining I do about the cold.
You too can win a gift for someone you love by entering to win one of 10 prizes in this contest on Wikets. All you have to do is look for the Wikets man (it’s Batman on Wikets) and answer his question “What product $25 or less would you most want a friend to have?” Ten of the most heartfelt, funny, clever, answer recs will be selected. If your rec is selected you can send one of the products rec’d to a friend on Wikets.
I’m not eligible to win because I’m working with Wikets, but I did put that Hammock on my wishlist so I’ll remember to get it for my husband on Father’s Day.
If you’d like to enter the contest, you must first have the Wikets app on your iphone or ipad. I love Wikets, which was listed Number 1 in Catalog apps on itunes earlier in the week, especially because I can get and give apps from people I know. It’s so much more reliable, in my opinion, to try a product or restaurant that one of my friends liked. Not only that, they now they have offers. Here’s today’s which I am seriously considering:
This post was sponsored by Wikets, but my opinions are all my own.