The Procrastinator’s Gift Guide

Sometimes it’s better to wait. Take the gift I got my parents for Christmas this year. When I started thinking about getting them the Blu-Ray DVD player with the ability to play Netflix, it was $129 at Best Buy. I never got around to going to the store when I was visiting them in Tucson so I had my husband order it online. On Sunday night (and today), it was $89 and it’s going to get there before Christmas!

My new plan for the holidays is to wait until the very last minute! No starting to search for the perfect gift in early November. I’m waiting for the real discounts. Here are some good deals on things I love that will get to you before Christmas if you act fast. And if you don’t mind waiting until after Christmas, I’m giving away a Kinect!

ice bag

  • If you’re looking for a little something delightful for yourself, Anthropologie has 25 percent off sale items and if you order more than $75 worth of items by Dec. 22, the shipping is free and guaranteed by Christmas Eve. I would buy this little number if I were getting something for myself.
  • My kids played Epic Mickey once at the Disney Holiday Event in early November and they’ve talked about it every day since (it helps that there’s a billboard right next to my younger son’s school). Personally, I love Mickey Mouse and can’t wait to play it. I bought it at Costco for a discount, but if you don’t have a membership you can order it on Amazon for $43.99. Shipping to get it by Christmas might be a bit much, but it’s pretty awesome.
  • If you’re a true procrastinator and you live in California, you can give the gift of a picture and tell your kids, husband, or girlfriend that their fabulous present is on the way. I just received a Kinect for Xbox from Xbox*, but my husband already bought one. I’m giving away our Kinect to someone who lives in California. I won’t be able to mail it until next week so you can enter once until Christmas Day. Just leave a comment below with your contact information and I’ll pick a winner through I’ll announce the winner on Dec. 26. Good luck!

*The Kinect is for Xbox so you need to already have an Xbox. You must live in California or have a California mailing address to enter.

Silvia, thank you for being such a great procrastinator! You are the winner! I will contact you with the details.

16 thoughts on “The Procrastinator’s Gift Guide

  1. Wow! How generous! We don't have an Xbox, but this would be a good reason to get one. 🙂 Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  2. It's top on my son's list and I didn't get one yet!!! We'd love, love, love an Xbox with Kinect!!!
    Happy Holidays

  3. WOW!!! We would love to have one! My husband & I are both teachers and we have a 5 year old & 1 year old w/tons of cousins & friends,there is always a dozen or so kids running through our house a week! In this rain we would love to entertain a kid party showing off your generous gift!

  4. Awesome guide! My husband & I always wait to do our x-mas shopping about one week before x-mas. We find great deals!

  5. ME ME ME pick Me!!. Hee hee. My very active daughter and I would love to have this special gift for christmas. Please!

    Merry Christmas Santa

  6. Me Me Pick Me. Hee Hee
    My very active daughter would just love this for Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!
    Thank you Santa!!!

  7. I totally identified with the Procrastinator side. As much as I promise myself I'm gonna start early every year it just doesn't happen. At all. Anyway, the best sales start now! 😉

    Been dying to check out the Kinect. Thanks for giving yours away!

  8. I'm a procrastinator as well, great deals going on right now!! thanks for the super giveaway, this is very generous of you.

  9. Hey Yvonne! Thanks for the Kinect giveaway. It would be icing on the holiday to win. Merry, bright Christmas to you and yours!

    I'm in the SFV so let me know if it saves you posting to have me pick it up if I win.

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