My younger son is shy and adorable, but when he warms up watch out. He’s full of energy and he’s not afraid of much.
That’s why I was a little worried about the Razor Playdate picnic a couple of Saturdays ago at the skate park in Culver City. Kids were supposed to bring knee and wrist guards and helmets. They would ride scooters, skate boards, 3 wheeled bikes that can spin in a circle, and a motorized tiny car.
This was all very scary for me, as the mother of a 5-year-old boy who had stitches twice before he was 3-years-old and who had also watched the same boy hit his head 3 times while on a camping trip the week before the event.
We (or I) put fear aside and went to the picnic. One of the first things we saw was this.
Notice how many feet are between him and the ground. Thankfully, those were Team Razor skateboarders and we couldn’t get into the area where they were skating. When we did get to the scooters, I was relieved to find all the equipment on flat ground.
My son really loved the Rip Rider 360 and how fast it spun around. We will not be getting that, but we were given a 10th Anniversary scooter to test out. It’s great and my son loves riding it. He had a 3-wheel razor that we got him a couple of years ago, but it wouldn’t go fast enough for him. It’s been so nice since we got the new scooter. My husband went out and bought both my boys new skate/bike helmets (ones that actually fit their heads, unlike their old bike helmets) and they ask to ride their scooters every day. I’m not just saying this because Razor gave us a scooter, but it’s really nice to have my kids ask to go outside instead of play video games.
Great post, Yvonne. Kids asking to go outside to play… that's awesome!