My boys love playing video games, but I don’t always love that they often stand stationary (or like my little one; lay down). So I’m always looking for games that will get them moving.
I was recently given a PlayStation3 with the Move games “Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest” and “Sports Champions.” My boys were running around like crazy people playing the game and my 7-year-old was sweating after playing for 10 minutes.
There are so many cool features on the PS3 and Move is one of them. The Move is a wireless controller that has incredible accuracy when you’replaying a game. I know because I played a lot of games last weekend.
I’m one of several bloggers chosen to be part of Playstation Family.We were invited to Foster City to visit Sony’s PlayStation headquarters and learn more about the company and products from Sony CEO of Computer Entertainment Jack Tretton. We learned about the amazing capabilities of the PS3 and also the soon to be released Vita.
My kids will be thrilled with the PlayStation Vita, a handheld gaming device that’s coming out in February. But what I’m interested in is the PlayStation Network where you stream television shows, movies, sports,and music. There are HBO shows and movies from Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. Walt Disney, and Paramount along with NFL Sunday Ticket.
But is it safe to use? The PlayStation Network was hacked in April and the hacker obtained the personal information of 77 million users.
“It clearly opened our eyes,” Tretton said. They learned a valuable lesson and security is the best it’s ever been, he said. Users needed to decide if the content was worth the risk, he said. And it appears that it is. There are now 90 million registered accounts in the PlayStation Network, 13 million more than before the attack.
The selection of movies does look really good and so does the music program with 10 million streaming songs. I’m excited to create a new running mix for half marathon training.
Not only did we learn a lot, but we got to socialize. Some amazing bloggers are part of the Family including my MomsLA cofounders Elise Derby and Sarah Auerswald, and MomsLA contributor Lori Cunningham of The Well Connected Mom.
It was a fun and exhausting 24 hours. I’ll be very interested to learn what our next PlayStation Family adventure is going to be.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post, but I was given a PS3, games, and transportation and hotel were provided.