My Sister's Wedding

I was tasked with the hardest writing assignment of my life. My sister is getting married this weekend and I’m writing part of the ceremony.

The piece had to be powerful, meaningful, moving. Geez, it would have been easier to give her a kidney.

But she doesn’t need one. She needed me to write something special. I went with funny and kind of moving. I don’t know if I succeeded, but I gave it all I had.

This is my favorite picture of my sister and I. And this is how I always think of her; taking care of me and making me laugh.

2 thoughts on “My Sister's Wedding

  1. OMG! What an adorable photo – and baby you looks JUST like Henry! Congratulations to your sister on her wedding day! Have fun! And keep your kidneys for your kids.

  2. You could have just shown this adorable pic and said the thing about her always taking care of you and making you laugh.
    So Sweet.

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