Cirque du Soleil and Project Natal

I don’t usually do giveaways, but this is so amazing I just had to do it. The kind people at XBOX gave me 5 passes to give away to the premiere of Project Natal for XBOX 360, which includes a performance imagined by Cirque Du Soleil.
Here is XBOX’s description of the event on Monday, June 14 in Los Angeles.
Cirque du Soleil and Project Natal
Heralded byTIME Magazineas one of the top inventions of 2009, Project Natal is set to forever change the way we interact with entertainment. In the world premiere experience, the creative visionaries at Cirque du Soleil created a stunning production that brings the idea of controller-free gaming and entertainment to life. Witness an original and exclusively created consumer spectacle that pushes the boundaries of live entertainment with cutting-edge technology, pulsating music, amazing puppetry, futuristic video projection, and unbelievable physical dexterity.
If you and a friend would like to attend just leave a comment below before Thursday, June 3.

Here is the post I wrote about Project Natal a few weeks ago.

And the winners are…Everyone!! XBox gave me an extra pass so everyone can go!. I’ll email the winners with the passes. 

Lalo and Sydnies, I don’t have your contact information. Please email me at

6 thoughts on “Cirque du Soleil and Project Natal

  1. I would LOVE to attend! I was bummed I couldn´t make it to the event in Venice because of work (argh!!!) Dying to experience Project Natal. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  2. i would extremely love to go i always wanted to see cirque du soleil and im also a huge gamer i would love to win and super thanks for this awesome giveaway

  3. We’ve decided to enjoy Los Angeles this summer — a true Staycation. The goal? To get to know our wonderful town and let our children learn more about the city they live in and experience things cool and fabulous and fun. This would be the perfect event to add to our summer extravaganza!! (other experiences include: trip to chinatown, Alvarado Street, picnic at Will Rogers, the pier, a lavender farm, Hollywood Bowl, etc.) My kids would go gaga over this experience. My husband and I would not only love it too, more importantly, we’d love to watch our kids, as their eyes go wide with excitement and wonderment!!! That’s truly what this staycation is all about for us. Thank you for this opportunity!!

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