Blogging. What's That Again?

After years of talking about it, I’ve finally switched over from Blogger to WordPress. I finally have category pages so I can have one blog where I talk about gluten-free, being The White Mexican, and life as a mother in Los Angeles.

I’m so happy with it except for a couple of things. First, there’s no time to write on my new, beautiful blog because I keep fixing things here and there. Plus I’m the editor and co-founder of and I write for CBS Los Angeles Best of Family. I’ve had posts on both of those sites, but only a couple have made it on my own.

And then there’s the issue of my url. It’s different. I was for years. Now, I’m Similar, but different. So different I have no traffic, no one to read my fancy new blog. Okay, it’s probably because I haven’t posted as much as I should, but I blame the change.

Oh, change. Because I need to do something drastic in order to change, I’m going to do just that. I’ve done quite a few crazy schemes to get me to follow through on things. For example, I went on a 28-day challenge where I was vegan with no oil or sugar. Why? to give up sugar. I signed up for a 6-month marathon training (twice) so I would exercise regularly, which was great except for running the 2 marathons. Here is my latest crazy scheme; I’m going to post a blog on this site every day for 30 days.

Today is Day 1. Thank you and Welcome to

15 thoughts on “Blogging. What's That Again?

    • Thank you! It is more time consuming than I imagined. And I also just realized that all of the links I put in my MomsLA, Shine, CBS posts don’t work now because they have blogspot in the link. This never occurred to me.

  1. do you still keep up with the no sugar and oil? and do you run reg? they say if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit:) maybe blogging for yourself will too!

  2. Yvonne, the new space looks fabulous! Mazel tov!

    I’ve been sitting here pondering the same issues (i.e., not doing anything on my personal blog because I’ve been so busy on other projects — plus, moving my site from Typepad to WordPress). I don’t know about you, but writing on my site is one of the things that keeps me sane (so the fact that I’ve been so neglectful must mean that I’m in a crazy place right now).

    May we both find a way to carve out a little more time to write for ourselves.

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